Saturday 13 September 2014

Juncker to change EU Commission: will it work?

Seven team leader will act as a board of governors over the rest of the college. Berlaymont toward a slim institution. Will be possible to decide?


A bet for better. Jean-Claude Juncker's idea for next EU Commission can be read as a crucial moment for European policies. From the 1st of November, when Juncker's Commission will be in force, a huge experiment will start. Hopefully, we would say, it will start to work. Something to be outlined since it's not clear at this stage if the next European Commission will be able to be successful. What Juncker did was re-organize the whole structure: he created seven big "project team", one for each vice president. In practice we can imagine each vice president as a sort of director general coordinating seven or eight commissioners. In this way - that is Juncker's vision - European Commissioners will be not controlled by governments or corporations any more. In practice, Juncker doesn't want EU member states and lobbies interfere with Berlaymont activity. For such a reason commissioners will be responsible for their own portfolios, but they will not have the exclusivity. Competences will be shared. Just to make an example (see the picture up), the vice president in charge for Growth and jobs will the team leader for a team composed by commissioners for Economic affairs, Digital economy, Employment and social affairs, Financial stability, Internal market and industry, Transport, Climate action. Vice president in charge for the Euro will be the team leader of a team composed by commissioners for Economic affairs, Employment and social affairs, Financial stability, Internal market and industry, Regional policy, Justice. In theory the next president of the European Commission is supposed to have slim institution, with a president (Juncker), a board of governors (seven vice president, or team leaders), and "simple" commissioners. The point is: will "simple" commissioners accept to have not autonomy? Since the seven vice president will have power of veto, rejecting commissioners proposals, wow to be sure complains will be over? The truth is the institution could get jammed at any moment. EU officials said «Juncker's proposal is ambitious, but we don't know if it will work».

   Juncker's European Commission will be a challenging one. If this new structure will not work the European Union will waste five years. Politically speaking it's unclear what scenarios will be. Socialists didn't like Juncker's formula since Pierre Moscovici - former French minister of Finance and next commissioner for Economic affairs - will be controlled by two EPP team leaders. Socialists won't have any initiative in economy. Furthermore, next European Commission, will be in line with German interests. The firs vice-president is a Socialist, yes he is. But a Dutch labour has more in common with north states rather than left-wing parties from south and centre Europe. All that means counterbalances to German hegemony exist only in theory, and this is another bet for Europe. Next five years will be marked by austerity policies, as requested in Berlin? Before answer let see how next Commission will work and, even before, what Scotland will say about its independence.

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