Thursday 25 September 2014

Pressmen, chapter 3

The pressmen commandments

«Thou shalt have no other gods before a journalist», states the first commandment of the press world. And considering there's no world outside the pressman's dimension, between press world and press there's no difference. It has been already written about pressmen, but as far as you can write it, it will never be enough. Or well, as far as you can write it will be always non-sense. The second commandment of the press world comes directly from the first one. «What is written is written. Thou shalt have no other truth before what a journalist wrote». This is the second commandment, and as every commandment it has to be strictly respected. Since pressmen are divinities, recognizing they can write something wrong would mean calling divine infallibility into question. Furthermore, it's not professional think the possibility to be mistaken exists: it would mean press men are not trustworthy. That's the reason why any journalist never follow professional ethics. Of course there are professional ethic rules, but are nothing compared to commandments. Thus don't pretend to see CRTs to be published, please! Oh, sorry. CRTs are Correct Re-Typing, operations foreseen by ethics. Ethics rules oblige any journalist to correct and/or rectify in case of wrong or false information. When articles are wrong, the same has to be re-typed. But, come on! Do you really believe a pressman can be wrong? Please! Even if it happened someone would mislead you have to keep in mind: a) hardly ever readers can distinguish truth from untruth because they are not experts in subject the article talks about, and have thus no competence to identify the mistake; b) most of the time editors-in-chief can't recognize mistakes because they are not experts in subject the article talks about, and have thus no competence to prevent a false information be published; c) by practice when a correction has to be made, a second artificial new article is published in order to update the previous article containing "obsolete" information; d) in any case «what is written is written».

Noway: expressions such as "re-type", "correction", "rectification", "CRT" are forbidden. And that's not because these expression are considered even worse than blasphemy: they simply are not take into account, although they are foreseen by ethic and are (supposed to be) compulsory. But pressmen are made so, they meet commandments. We have seen the first and the second, but a third one still remains: «Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy reporter in vain». But this another story...

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