Sunday 18 February 2018

Italy's problem is not Europe, is Italy itself

The Country suffers the European decisions because of its political non weight in the EU. Instead of autocriticism national political class fed euroscepticism

by Emanuele Bonini

If 64% of EU citizens believe in the benefits of being part of the Europen Union, in Italy only 39% of the national population does, marking the lowest rate in Europe. Italy has thus become the most eurosceptic country among the 28 (soon 27) Member States. The change of mind of one the founders of the today European Union is something not be underestimated. It is not only the consequent result of never explained what the EU represent, but the lack of political engagement. The truth is Italy chose not to be part of the Brussels decision process. In the European Union of the Member States, this is certainly an epic fail. But here are all the Italian responsibilities. During last two decades the Italian government have merely thought to domestic affairs leaving to the other countries the duty of taking decisions. A totally absent Italy around the table, togheter with the lies told internally, contributed to feed an always growing euroscepticism in the Italian peninsula.

The uncapability of the Italian political class didn't make possible for the country to be an active player of the European debate. The case of Fiscal compact well shows how Italians live in a parallel dimension. Everybody, from left to right, complain about what is by definition an «inter-governmental» agreement. Inter-governmental means that decisions like the ones foreseen by such a compact were taken by national governments, not by «Europe». More and more in Italy the «blame and complain» game has been played against Europe. The same Matteo Renzi, who always claims to be a true committed pro-European, chose to talk against the European Union in his speeches. Instead of clearlt recall that decision are taken by Member States, he offered the idea of a country continously oppressed by «Europe». Unfortunately, a non-federal Europe cannot impose nothing but what its members agree among themselves. The European Commission only has the power of proposing legislations, and on the basis of these proposals national governments decide what to do.

Everything is about politics, and Italian politicians are really bad in doing so. If the Fiscal Compact is not the most wonderful text in world, is because the negotiating capacity of some EU Member State has been not good enough to reach a different agreement. It's, to be clear, a weakness in Italian politicians rather than a European dictatorship. The same applies for Ema, the European Agency for Medicines. Italy attended the (political) game, accepting the rules of that game. After having lost the EU body, appeals started. That's not serious. Rules can be discussed before the game starts, not once the competition comes to an end. Here the problem is the uncapababilities of create political alliances with other partners. EMA could only be got through a political process, which in case of Italy didn't work. And it didn't work because with all probability those who were supposed to find consensus have given proof to be not able. According to the Italian version, the problem here is Europe. Saying it loudly contributes to create disaffection in the Europen project, the only instrument able to grant decedes of unstopped peace and prosperity. In other terms, this pro-European government is helping Grillo's M5S and Salvini's North League in getting consensus.

Italian politicians are completely lost. They believe they can do politics by sending to Brussels minister unable to speak a language different from their own - which makes impossible to held bilateral meetings - or by having a prime minister to arrive only for the leader's meeting. The latter is perhaps the element that better than other show how poor is the political class made in Italy. Decision are never taken during the meering, but before. Matteo Renzi was always the last leader to come and the first to leave. Other leaders use to be in Brussels well before the meeting in order to meet with other partners. That's what politics is about. Last-minute arrivals are useless and even harmful, because they come when everything has been decided already. In Berlusconi's era - the previous one, since he is back - things weren't so much different. He is remembered for his jokes, his «gaffes», his missing ministers (raise the hand who remembers of Anna Maria Bernini when she served as minister for European affairs). By the way, the so-called «Six Pack», the first review of the Stability and Growth Pact was agreed and signed by Italy under Berlusconi's government. Is Europe responsible for that?

Europe became for the supposed Italian leaders the best excuse for all the uncapabilities of the Country to count at European level. The only way to try to save reputation is propaganda. During these years SMS have been regularly sent during the European Council meetings to inform the Italian press about the political fight of Italian prime minister. As already mentioned, political crusades have no possibility of success when made without any bilateral talks. But that's Italy and the Italian government of dictated fake news. If Italians are eurosceptic is nothing but because of their leaders.

It's true that Italy suffers the European decisions. But this is just one part of the truth. The missing part is the absence of political weight from Italy. Of course, a country unable to participate to the political process can only suffer it, that's the logic consequence. Italians should then mistrust Italy more than Europe, but the way of acting of the overall political class has shifted the EU out of the Italians. When eurosceptics will take the power, nobody be surprised.

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