Sunday 14 December 2014

Real Madrid to create clash of cultures?

The Spanish football team will remove cross from badge for Abu Dhabi National Bank. Critics rose on the web. Next step hate for Muslims?

How RM logo will change
by Emanuele Bonini

Religion and tradition in money time (and money needs). Real Madrid decided to remove the cross it appears on the crown above the official badge because of money, of course. The president of the Spanish club signed a partnership agreement with the National Bank of Abu Dhabi for the release new credit card. Since Real Madrid official badge will be printed on it, the cross - a Christian symbol - above the crown will be removed so as to avoid causing offence or discomfort among Muslim customers. Given the history of the country, with Muslim conquests of Spain and the Spanish "reconquista", the decision taken is an impressive one. In somehow Muslims converted Christians again, forcing them to abolish their symbols. Something incredible for Spain - still hugely Catholic - as well as for all believers. But we are talking about something very sensitive and very risky, since we live in a world where intolerance is more and more widespread. Once again, the main question is: can we sacrifice our traditions in name of money? And how far can we do it? What Real Madrid decided is something beyond the normal logic of sport. With this decision Real Madrid give power to all Muslims movements as well as to all of those who would like Muslims out of Europe. Respect is not to impose anything to other people and, at the same time, not asking to the counterpart to renounce to his own identity. If Real Madrid do, then can do all the others. «It’s the biggest INSULT to all Spaniards and Christians all over the world», one of the many critic reaction from the public opinion.

The announcement made by Real Madrid arrived all around the world, with people from every part of the globe blaming the decision. «They conquer us without even fight», posted an Italian reader on Facebook. «Shame shame on you, you sell the cross for Muslims shit», commented on Newsweek an Australian reader. «What would any Muslim country do not to offend the Christians???», asked always on Newsweek another reader from Lebanon. «In the not so distant future it will be replaced with a crescent if the submit trend continues!!!!!!!!!», wrote an American reader of The Blaze. British followers of Eurosport defined as «disgusting» the decision taken by Real Madrid. «The actions of clubs like RM only bolster the efforts of islam to burden the rest of decent society with the yoke of an oppressive so called religion». «We’re no different than these Muslim women “proud” of their burqas», Salah posted on Jihadwatch. «What if Qatar is asked to remove all Half-Moon-Signs during the next Football World Cup??», a comment left on NCB Sports page. Real Madrid decision marked a very controversial decision.

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